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This is an easy and popluar dance Lineup: big circle holding hands Wolking steps, Chassé, Polka in pairs in big circle | |||
Takt titel | Tour | Repitition | Description |
Stor kreds | 1 | 1 | You walk with walking steps starting clockwise 16 steps, when first repetition is repeated, you turn direction and walk 16 steps counter clockwise. You make small circles with your arms as you walk holding the hand of the other dancers. |
Siger vi hej + Polka | 1 | 2 | The pair embrases with normal dance position and walks to the midle of the cirle with one chassé step (Boys: left-right-left Girls right-left-right) and two walking steps, while singing "en to tre så siger vi hej" (One two three let´s say Hey). The pairs walk back and dance polka around (4 polka steps) The procedure is repeated as the music is repeted. |
Kæde | 2 | 1 | You give your partner right hand and go into a hcain alternating left and right hands as the partners comes along. Girls go clockwise around, boys go counter clockwise. |
Siger vi hej + Polka | 2 | 2 | Going to the midle and then polka around. |
Kæde | 3 | 1 | The dance is now alternating between chain and go to the midle + polka. It is normal that the music plays different simple songs on the first part. |
About the Video Frilandsmuseet 2008 | Danish folk dance - Totur fra Vejle - Skralleklubben på Frilandsmuseet 21-09-2008