
Playing | Get started | Searching for files on your hard drive | Slow down music| Selecting short strophes | Gentagelser / Spill hele mappen | LavLister

FHPlayer.htm is a "skin" for Windows Media player the so you need the Windows Media player installed for beeing able to use it..

There are so many players in the world (Winamp, Quicktime, Windows Media Player) why make another one?

The FHPlayer software is for mucisians. They need

The player may play songs both from your hard disk and from the Internet, In order to make you start playing with the player, the package is "seeded" with some typical scandinavian folk songs from





To get started

The software requires


Playing music together with the player

When you click on a melody in the list, it should play, You can also use the buttons to start playing /pausing your music



The button Play/Pause toggles between play and pause. The other button will stop and restart your playing

With the buttons



You can shift melody (This is usefull if you because of minimized player cannot see the lists).

Please note

Double clicking on the << or >> buttons will select next list.


Lets sum up

Furtheremore your melodies are starting when you click in the list.







Search for files

Before playing your own songs you must search through your drives for music files.

The search may take up to 10 minutes or more, by limiting your search you can however do it much faster.

When you found som music files (mp3, mid or wav or other files supported by Windows Media player), you can press 'S' on your keyboard for start playing.

Click on           Settings   and thereafter on Brows

Find a file in the startingpoint (it does not have to be a music file, if it is a music file it will play, but just any file will do, it is just to get the starting point for the search)r.

Find Files

                          Then click on the Find Files button

You can also enter your starting point "manually" And if you want to search through several directories/drives, you can make a comma separated list.

You may give your search a name and save it.


Save search as




Looping strophes

By selecting A and B points you can loop a part of the music for ever. This is good if you want to practice music.




You may use A and B on your keyboard to start and stop the looping.

The button



will stop the loop and continue to the end of the song. This allows you to set a new AB interval later. (A position is not reset.

The button


Resets both A and B position


You can check your position of A and B with the buttons

=> B


By using the Fine Tuning lever, you may adjust A an B. Hint: For toggling between A and B for find tuning click in the text box for A and A will fine tune

Clicking in the text box for B value and B will fine tune using the fine tuning scale.

Fine tuning



Midi files are special since the media player only adjusts the position in full seconds. Therefore by fine tuning the FHPlayer will mute the playing until the set moment.


If you want to repeat the whole melody set the Repeat. In settings you can set how many times you want the melody to repeat.




Changing playback speed

Every amateur muscians dreem is to practice with the favourite artist, if he just could play a litle bit slower....



You can make melodies slower, without changing the pitch..





Repeat or play all files.

The FHPlayer can be used as a normal player where you play throug your songs in order.



If you uncheck the repeat button.
You can select what order tunes are played:


When "Repeat" is not selected
Play within folder (in order)
Play all in order
Play random in selected folder
Play random selected melody in randomly selected folder







Save settings


Your settings will be saved


You will have to acknowledge some security settings that will allow your browser to write down your settings into the FHPlayerSettings.txt file on the hard drive

Making your own lists

Make Lists


Since it is a good idea to limit your selection of what you are practicing at, it is a good idea to make your own lists.


Resent played melodies

Ny Liste Navn
Make new list
Gem Repertoire Lister
Ad played melodies


Remove from to
From to  




Melodier i valgt liste
Add selected Directory
Erase list of recetn played
Remove list

















Tilføj Hel Mappe


Tilføj Spillede melodier







Open i nyt vindue