Warning: Undefined array key "lan" in /customers/7/5/b/spillefolk.dk/httpd.www/Folkedans/VisDans.php on line 13 Danish "Folkedans" dance descriptions : Den muntre kreds ( The cherry circle )

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Den muntre kreds ( The cherry circle )

Linup in big circle
Takt titelTourRepititionDescription
mod midten 11 4 walking steps towards the center of the circle. 4 steps back again
Damerne mod midten 12 Layes walk4 steps against the midle, then claps whereafter they walk with 4 steps back again.
Gents walks with 4 steps against the middle with arms crossed in front of themeselvs and walks 4 steps back and grasps the lady to the left in the circle.
Hurretrin 21 With swing steps holding shoulders. Swing your lady at the spot.
parvis gang 22 Pairwise walking around the ball floor with crossed hands. Singing
"1 and 2 and 3 and out an whatch the laidies".